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IBB licenced abroad
The curricula for the HHX programs are laid down in ministerial orders and are controlled and regulated by the Danish Ministry of Education. However, when offering the IBB program abroad we are allowed to modify the program, so it fits the needs of the students in a specific country. For Niels Brock it is important that students should not be torn away from their cultural roots; consequently modifications are necessary. Students benefit from a well-recognized curriculum and international study methods based on active participation, close interaction with teachers, project work, daily exposure to English, and insights into foreign cultures and ways of doing business. The IBB program is accredited by EBBD https://eurobacdiploma.eu/school-names/ and the Danish Ministry of Education. Thus, students studying the IBB program will receive a Danish high school diploma as well as a local diploma. With the IBB diploma students can apply to continue their studies everywhere in the world, as a Danish diploma will allow students to apply for universities in the European Union as well as the rest of the world.
For more information, please contact our International office.